
Monday, November 20, 2006

Miracles and Springtime

**** I have a Bubba update... he has miraculously pulled through! I'm not sure what has changed his condition - I wormed him, he is still getting antibiotics for the Haemobartonella Felis everyday, and his insulin dosage twice a day. Last week he finally perked up, his appetite returned and he just "plumped up". It seems he's out of the woods! He's talking again, and his personality is definitely back - a sign that he isn't feeling sick anymore. He still lays around a lot - in strange places (like the damp grass or the in the photo above, he enjoys laying on top of his catnip plant) but I think he may be losing sensation in his hind legs (a symptom of diabetes). He doesn't seem to like walking - so I have to carry him to his food. When he finishes, he "trots" to either his favourite spot on the grass or to his basket in the corner of the spare bedroom. The last few nights he has started to sleep on my pillow with me again - another good sign. But he doesn't walk... he "trots". Has anyone heard of this? ****

The weather has been so unpredictable - typical New Zealand weather. You wake up in the morning with the sun shining, blue sky... so you get dressed wearing three quarter pants and t-shirt... and when you go outside, the weather has turned cold and overcast... so you quickly change into long pants and a sweater... and an hour later it's hot and sunny again.. but it won't last...

This is Spring in New Zealand.
Mrs. P has a new carer to help share the load with me. She started this past weekend - her name is Tracy too! So that's what we call her "Tracy 2". I really like her and I think it's good for Mrs. P to have a fresh face around. It breaks up the routine a little and brings in some fresh conversation. It also gives me some time away - so that I have more to offer when I come back. I have to admit, it will be really nice to have some time on the weekend off - to actually get away to do something and not worry about rushing back.

Tracy 2 is in her early 40's (I think) and she has a 14 year old son named Nathaniel. She is originally from the U.K. and has been here in NZ for quite a while. She has a nice demeanor and friendly disposition. She is friendly and good to talk to. I think she is a good choice and I'm looking forward to knowing her better and including her in "the family". This is a family working environment and it's important that we all get along and have open communication. Mrs. P is quite capable so she really doesn't need us to treat her like an invalid - we treat her like she is our own grandmother. I don't think she would have it any other way. I certainly wouldn't either.

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